November 15 | 6pm | In-Person | 12 Fulton Street | Free
Join the Seaport Museum as we welcome author Jonathan H. Rees for the release of his new book, Fulton Fish Market: A History.
Together, we will hear some of the research that Rees conducted with the help of the South Street Seaport Museum for this comprehensive publication. Slides and stories shared in this presentation will illustrate the history of the Fish Market, from its 1822 founding as a neighborhood retail market, through its time as the nation’s largest fish and seafood wholesaling center, to its 2005 relocation to the Bronx.
In this book talk, Rees will discuss how the Fulton Fish Market shaped American cuisine, commerce, and culture by bringing together economic, technological, urban, culinary, and environmental history.
Advanced registration is required. Copies of Fulton Fish Market: A History will be available for purchase and signing.
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About the Author

Jonathan Rees is Professor of History at Colorado State University – Pueblo. His previous books include Refrigeration Nation: A History of Ice Appliances and Enterprise in America and The Chemistry of Fear: Harvey Wiley’s Fight for Pure Food.
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